Button Lock Machinery
Flagler High Speed 20 Ga. Button Lock Specifications:

Capacity: 20 to 30 Gauge

Depth of Pocket: 1/2" Pocket

Speed: Approx. 100 feet per minute.

Motor: 5 HP 230/460/3/60/1800 RPM.

Drive: Double Matched Vee Belt.

Base: Arc Welded Steel. Heavy top plate.

Dimensions: 68" long, 24" wide, 42" high, Feed table height 35 1/8"

Shipping Weight: Approximately 1000 pounds.

Exclusive dial adjustment for instant changing for all gauges 20-30 Replaceable toll bits for the Male Button Lock

Split Shear Roll assembly on Male Button Lock can be resharpened and features multiple keyways for new shear points.

Made In The USA Since 1949

The Flagler Corporation
56513 Precision Dr. * Chesterfield, MI 48051
Ph: (586)749-6300 * Fax: (586)749-6363

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